Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 8: Lily Frankenstein's Monologue to the Creature

Lily Frankenstein: What in God's name do you want of me?

The Creature: What I want I cannot have. You are incapable of it

Lily Frankenstein: Yes I know. You want to walk in the village and hold my hand. And when people are cruel you want me to love you even more. Do I hurt you? You pathetic creature. How can you imagine that I could care for you? Does that face belong alongside this? Doesn't the world smile on us? Don't we make a beautiful couple "thee and me"? Should we wander the pastures and recite your fucking poetry to the fucking cows? You are blind; like all other men.

The Creature: And you're unlike all other women.

Lily Frankenstein: You tell me how. We flatter our men with our pain. We bow before them. We make ourselves dolls for their amusement. We lose our dignity in corsets and high shoes and gossip and the slavery of marriage. And our reward for this service? The back of the hand ... the face turned to the pillow. The bloody aching cunt as you force us onto your beds to take your fat heaving bodies! You drag us into the alleys my lad and cram yourselves into our mouths for 2 bob when you're not not beating us senseless when we're not bloody from the eyes and the mouth and the ass and the cunt! Never again will I kneel to any man. Now they shall kneel to me. As you do monster. My monster. My beautiful corpse. How clever he's been, our creator. But our little god... has brought forth not angels. But demons. Thee and me. And what should we do with this power, undead thing? You're a thoughtful man, a philosopher even, so tell me, why do we exist? Why have we been chosen? Tell me.

The Creature: I don't know.

Lily Frankenstein: Is it to suffer?

The Creature: Yes.

Lily Frankenstein: Must it be?

The Creature: How can it be other? We long for that we can not have.

Lily Frankenstein: Women? I'll bring you a dozen we can fuck them together. Me? Then you shall have me. I want you. I want a man unlike all other men. My brother, my equal. I'll take you by this beautiful white, dead hand and lead you to my bed right now. I'll bleed for you. I'll love you, for your sadness, and your poetry and your passion and your rage and your infinite, luxurious ugliness. I'll lick your sins away. And when Victor comes home, we'll put our hands around his throat together, and watch him die. And then this will be our home. And then? What then, undead thing? We were created to rule, my love. And the blood of mankind will water our garden. Us and our kin, and our children, and our generations. We are the conquerors. We are the pure blood. We are steel and sinew both. We are the next 1000 years. We are the dead. No being who ever was or will be shall love you like I do.

Bravo Billie 

28/07/2015 •— Sleepy Mountain

Oh sleepy mountain
My wandering eye,
Waiting for the glint of sparkle
From the beast that lies beneath.
Oh sleepy mountain
Softly booming, whispering your sweet words.
So humbly you speak.
For what can contain the beast
Everlasting, eternal, immortal;

Grey wisps kiss you by your neck, like ice for you've not known embrace;
Yet you need not flinch, it knows it is welcomed there.
Like two allies it seeks to protect you
Honour you, caress you just enough.
And it dances with you, a slow courtship; Yet you stand steadfast.

My gaze catches a glimmer of the beast under the moon.
He pauses for only a moment to gaze upon you,
calming his excited breath.
He leaves, you stay. You stay waiting,
unbeknownst to your own majesty.
You feel a hollow emptiness and nothing more.

Oh sleepy mountain
Feel the gentle trace of the wisps glide gently over your neck,
and look to me now as I look to you.
Your eyes are tired and so are mine;
you are more than the home of the beast.
Your place of rest might also be mine;
Who houses you? If you stand steadfast I will return,
And maybe I'll find home for us both soon.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cafe Quijano - La Lola

Se llama lola y tiene historia,
aunque mas que historia sea un poema.
su vida entera pasó buscando
noches de gloria como alma en pena.
Detras de su manto de fría dama
tenía escondidas tremendas armas,
para las batallas del cara a cara
que con ventaja muy bien libraba.
le fue muy mal de mano en mano,
de boca en boca, de cama en cama,
como una muñeca que se desgasta,
se queda vieja y la pena arrastra.
Oyeme mi lola, mi tierna lola,
tu triste vida es tu triste historia.
Pero que manera de caminar,
mira que soberbia en su mirar.
Fue mujer serena hasta en el instantede entregarse presta a sus amanteses tiempo de llanto, es tiempo de duda,de nostalgia y de su locura.
Tienes el consuelo de saberte llena
de cariño limpio y amor sincero,
por que nadie supo robar de tus besos
eso que hoy te sobra y que nadie añora
Es el tiempo de la arruga que no perdona,es el tiempo de la fruta y de la pintura.

Friday, July 17, 2015

26 años, ¡Salud!

Estoy muy agradecida. No se todo me llevan aqui. Lecion muy importante: confia en ti misma. La vida es muy loca y bella. Y mas, todo tiene una razon. :))

Y mas, familia no es de sangre, y esta vale. I will do what I want, I will love what I do y voy proteger mi corazon como un guerrera! Suavemente y fuerte tambien.

Safe to say the best chapter of my life is around the corner, or perhaps it has already begun. Las estrellas estan en mi corazon, y ¡finalmente!,  en mis ojos tambien.